It's Scott's birthday today and while number 43 would not normally be considered a monumental number, Scott's feeling pretty stoked to be celebrating this year.
This Friday, Jan. 17, at 6 p.m., we're going to order pizza from Scott's favorite pizza place and throw back a beer. If you read this blog and pizza tastes good to you, feel free to come on by for a slice. If you need our address, email me at Feel free to bring the kids!
(Please no presents -- just your smiling faces and empty stomachs).
Happy Birthday Scott! I saw you walking to pick up Maz the other day, and I could swear you were almost skipping down the street. Good to see you looking so energetic! We're camping (all the way out) at Santee Lakes this weekend. If you feel like getting outdoors and letting the kids run, come on over!