Thursday, December 5, 2013

We won our appeal!! The insurance company will have to pay for the surgery. Can't even put into words the relief we feel. Maz summed it up, however, with "Great, I won't have to give you my hundred dollars."


  1. YESSSSSSS! Way to be persistent, you pit bull! Tell Maz I will take the $100.
    AWESOME job, I'm so happy!

    1. Ha, Monica beat me to it. Suh-weet news. And I take it this is the operation handled by the C-S surgeon?

    2. We couldn't get C-S. It's some guy in a trench coat who goes by "Dr. Midnight."

    3. Dr. Nick was unavailable, eh? BTW, my deleted comment was about owning up to the fact that I could have read the prior post RE surgery location. Didn't know deleting a post left a trace.

    4. Stephen, I'm sure you figured out that Scott posted the Dr. Midnight stuff. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Pam, Scott and Maz!

    Scott and I worked together for a couple of (for me) miserable years at the Times-Standard in Eureka. I was the lone woman on the sports desk, and Scott was always a beacon of upbeat sarcastic hilarity. The phrase 'monkey hell' comes to mind...

    Pam, we used to joke that I needed to put in a friendship application to you, because, it seemed, we'd laugh at the same stupid jokes. My friendship request was accepted, and I'm so glad to be kept up to date through this page via Facebook. My heart goes out to all of you, and I admire your ability to do what needs to be done in this most absurdly trying of times. Thank you for sharing, and I'm thinking of you all.

    Rebecca Elston Zenner

    1. Thanks for the great note, Rebecca. Your friendship application has been approved. :)

  4. Hallelujah! What fabulous news. An answer to many, many prayers. Thanks so much for letting us all know right away. Now we can get busy on the safe-and-successful-surgery prayer front. . . .

  5. Amazing news!!!!! Thrilled and thankful!!

  6. So glad to hear this! Great news. Will keep you guys in my thoughts and heart.
